The bold new world of Kaldheim bekons. Will your online store be ready?

MTG Kaldheim Featured

Deck the halls with Kaldheim banners!

Okay, Kaldheim doesn’t release until after the holidays, but all the wintery weather and full beards are bursting from the seams for this next step through the multiverse. I’m sure we can find a few Santa doubles in there for the holiday photo ops. In the mean time, be sure to grab these banners and show your customers where to place their preorders for a healthy serving or melted viking face-hole goodness.

You can download banners over on the banners download page.

Forgot how to use banners on your site? Click here for the help center article. 

It's beginning to look a lot like preorders time!

Kaya’s looking ready for anything Kaldheim can throw at her, but does that include the holiday shopping rush? We’ve got you covered with our latest addition to our featured release landing page support. Get your visitors in the Kaldheim spirit as they shop merrily on their way!

TCG Promotion Controller code:

Simply use the set code above to automatically style your store site’s promotional setup banners and linked preorders landing page.

Need a refresher on how to make this work? Click here for the help center article.

MTG Kaldheim Promo Page

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