
Crystalcommerce Roadmap Meeting with our Members! 9th December 2020

Crystalcommerce Roadmap Meeting with our members!

Welcome to the first Crystalcommerce Roadmap Meeting with you, our Crystalcommerce members!  Every Wednesday, the entire Crystalcommerce team will be letting you in on our current Roadmap for the system and letting you know all about the great new features we have planned to help you and your game store!

This week, we go through our Roadmap process, discussion with some of our members on their use cases and how they are contributing their ideas to the new platform!

Check out our Youtube video link above for more details!

Make sure You don’t miss out and attend our sessions, every Wednesday at 2pm PST via this zoom link!

Note, this same Zoom link also takes you to our Daily Support Session at 11am PST, where you can speak to the Crystalcommerce Support team for any queries you may have!

Looking forward to seeing you in our next meeting!

Happy Gaming All!

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