2024 promises to be just as exciting and dynamic as the preceding year. Here, we present five new board games that have captured our attention.
Our compilation of the most eagerly anticipated board games of 2024 spans a wide spectrum within the hobby. From innovative experiences inspired by immensely popular video game franchises like Metal Gear Solid to historical titles delving into unique moments in human history, the selection is diverse. Additionally, 2024 will mark the introduction of the first major board game based on the popular roguelite genre found in video games. Notably, a decades-old classic board game is making a comeback with revitalized energy in a fresh format.
Keep an eye on these board games as they unfold throughout 2024.
Dead Cells: The Rogue-Lite Board Game (2024)

Mycelia (2024)

Crossbows & Catapults: Castle Battle (2024)

Spectral (2024)

Ironwood (2024)

Get yours now. Happy gaming!