Looking for the best sealed products for your “Flesh and Blood” trading card game? Look no further than the “Flesh and Blood Heavy Hitters”!

Heavy Hitters introduces unparalleled excitement to Flesh and Blood gaming tables, boasting the most formidable, powerful, and exhilarating gameplay yet! With a lineup of six heroes spanning Brute, Guardian, and Warrior classes, along with innovative crossover hybrid cards and an abundance of weapons and equipment never seen in any set before, the possibilities for how you engage in combat within the arena are boundless!

Returning to the roots of intense melee action, Heavy Hitters revisits the classic big-hitting gameplay with three of the original four classes of Flesh and Blood. Whether you prefer Sealed Deck, Booster Draft, or Preconstructed Blitz Decks, Heavy Hitters offers the ideal opportunity to delve into the world of Flesh and Blood, making it an excellent choice for newcomers to the game!

Here are the sealed products for this collections.

Heavy Hitters Booster Box

Heavy Hitters Booster Pack

Heavy Hitters Blitz Deck Display

Let’s revel in the introduction of this fresh card set, particularly one as thrilling as Heavy Hitters!

Happy gaming!

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