“My Hero Academia: Girl Power” introduces powerful new cards and rare collectibles featuring prominent heroes and villains for key moments from both the manga and anime.

The My Hero Academia: Girl Power booster set will feature all your favorite female students, heroes, and villains. Building on previous My Hero Academia releases in the UniVersus CCG, this set will have over 180 new cards to get players excited!

My Hero Academia: Girl Power Booster Display

My Hero Academia: Girl Power is the seventh booster series in the My Hero Academia line for the UniVersus system. Celebrating the women of My Hero Academia, Girl Power is packed with powerful new cards, several highly collectible rarities, and a myriad of exciting moments featuring the series’ heroines.

Our signature characters are showcasing their most powerful moves as well.

  • Each Booster Display contains 24 Girl Power booster packs.
  • Booster Packs contain 11 random cards each.

Happy gaming!

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