The world of “Bloomburrow” introduces a brand new take on Magic: The Gathering!

Magic: The Gathering’s upcoming plane of Bloomburrow is a captivating fantasy world featuring warrior mice, prophetic frogs, elemental calamity beasts, and more. It blends the charm of Redwall’s woodland warriors with the epic storytelling and grandeur of Elden Ring. Bloomburrow is shaping up to be a significant success for MTG.

In Bloomburrow, brave heroes will confront powerful Calamity Beasts in a quest to restore the land’s delicate balance.

Mabel, Heir to Cragflame

Lumra, Bellow of the Woods

The seasons play a crucial role in the cycle of life in Valley, beautifully depicted in the full-art seasonal basic lands.

Mountain (0274)

Mountain (0275)

Mountain (0276)

Mountain (0277)

The showcase woodland treatment features a whimsical storybook art style in frames that highlight the animalfolk of Bloomburrow, with five pieces showcasing artwork by award-winning guest artist David Petersen.

Mabel, Heir to Cragflame – Showcase

Legendary artist Mitsuhiro Arita, renowned as one of the most popular illustrators of all time, lends his remarkable talent to Bloomburrow with his borderless artwork for Lumra, Bellow of the Woods, perfectly capturing the primal and devastating power of the Calamity Beasts.

Lumra, Bellow of the Woods (0342) – Borderless

More borderless cards are abundant in the understory of Bloomburrow, featuring the unique field notes treatment found on select rare and mythic rare Calamity Beasts.

Lumra, Bellow of the Woods (0293) – Borderless

Raised foil borderless anime cards add further diversity to the Booster Fun biome and are exclusively available in Collector Boosters!

Mabel, Heir to Cragflame (0351) – Borderless

Happy gaming

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