Net Neutrality Matters for Online Businesses


What You Need to Know About Net Neutrality

When your customers go online, check your e-commerce website, and use the internet, they expect Net Neutrality. They expect that when they browse their favorite TCGs or Boardgames, the data that they share with your store is protected. They expect their freedom and control with every purchase they make to your store.

Without Net Neutrality, small or giant ISPs like Comcast, AT&T, or Verizon can shape the internet into fast and slow lanes. ISPs can charge extra fees for the little content that small companies or small independent businesses can afford to pay for special treatment — relegating everyone else to a slower tier of service. This movement would destroy the open internet and your internet freedom as well as your consumers’.


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What is Net Neutrality?

Net neutrality = Net freedom.

Net neutrality gives online businesses and any other websites the opportunity to find an audience and grow on a level playing field. It is like preserving an open internet with consumer choice and unrestricted access to information in order to communicate freely online. Without Net Neutrality, consumers will have to pay extra to be able to access their favorite Game Stores online.

Net neutrality forbids ISPs like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T from blocking any content, charging differentially by content, application, users, or any types of communication. It is the reason why the government and ISPs are treating all the data on the internet equally; it does not discriminate against any applications or any types of content.

Today, the Internet is coming together to protest US legislation aimed at limiting what we love about our online interactions. If Net Neutrality is done away with, the freedom we have for free online communication could be endangered. Saving net neutrality is crucial for the future of entrepreneurship in the modern age.

In 2015, millions of activists pressured the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to adopt Net Neutrality rules that keep the internet free and open — allowing you to share and access information of your choosing without interference.

The win is now at risk. President of the United States Donald Trump’s FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, wants to destroy Net Neutrality, and on May 18, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) voted to let Pai’s internet-killing plan move forward.

What would happen to small independent businesses if we lost Net Neutrality?

Internet Service Providers like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon will be able to block e-commerce websites, applications, or any content that competes with their offerings. The internet will become a closed-down network where only selected web sites, materials, or applications exist. Say goodbye to innovations and open source platform that all consumers deserve.

Why is Net Neutrality important for businesses?

Net Neutrality is one of the reasons why small businesses, start-ups, and new entrepreneurs thrive online. Any types of businesses need the open internet to create markets, launch businesses, advertise products and services, reach out to customers, and so much more. Business owners rely on the free internet for innovation, competition, and creation of new products.

Take Action Now and Join the Fight

Vote for your rights! Businesses, large or small, and even individuals have already taken a stand to defend right to have Net Neutrality. We urge you to reject any attacks on real Net Neutrality. Take action now and join the fight.

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