Recently Tamed:

  • Fellow bug hunters have reported not being able to create new items and/or import items from CSV files and/or not being able to import a single item in their inventory via the admin panel, which seem to be stemming from the same issue. Our lab entomologists have reported that this bug has been tamed as of Thursday, June 3rd.
  • Fellow bug hunters have also reported an error message while trying to generate a coupon report. Our lab entomologists have reported that this bug has been tamed as of Thursday, June 3rd.

Still Roaming:

  • Paul (the legend) reported a sighting where some import search filters were not working (notably the “DIAMD NO” for comics) in the admin panel on Wednesday, Jun 2nd.

If you catch sight any of these bugs roaming in the wild, please take pictures and/or video and give us as much detail of the sighting as you can in a chat to our field entomologists. See you in the jungle.

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