New Release Banners for Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dawn of Majesty are here!
The Design team has put together a banner packet with various IAB standard dimensions (including google ad sizes now!) to help our community of game stores promote this great new booster release for the game!
You can download banners over on the banners download page.
Forgot how to use banners on your site? Click here for the help center article.
The TCG Promotion Page is ready.
We’ve also managed to hunt down and put together some release assets to make another version of the TCG Promotion Controller landing page for showcasing preorder products for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Toon Chaos booster release coming up.
TCG Promotion Controller code:
Just use the above set code to automatically re-style your store site’s promotional setup banners and linked preorders landing page to give this release the hype it deserves.
Need a refresher on how to make this work? Click here for the help center article.