Detective Rummy is a Rummy-style card game with a storytelling element revealed in a series of 7 different cases. Players take the roles of detectives vying to solve the cases and gain fame.
- 1 Rulebook
- 1 Casebook
- 2 Score pads
- 6 Double-sided detective placards
- 150 Detective tokens
- 24 Skill tokens
- 16 Item tokens
- 16 Bad Blood tokens
- 4 Double-sided locations
- 7 Double-sided suspects
- 6 Lawyers
- 10 Assignment tiles
- 123 Evidence cards
- 60 Game Changer cards
- 1 Danger/round track
- 1 Danger & 1 Round marker
- 3 Skill dice
- 4 Turn-summary cards
Detective Rummy
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Happy Gaming!