FINAL FANTASY TRADING CARD GAME Anniversary Collection Set 2024

The Anniversary Collection Set 2024 serves as the sequel to the Anniversary Collection Set 2022.

Encased in an outer box that doubles as a mid-sized storage container, it houses a ready-to-play 50-card prebuilt deck. Additionally, it includes 200 extra cards showcasing sought-after characters from Opus I through Opus XVIII Resurgence of Power. Furthermore, three copies of a new commemorative “Anniversary” promo card are featured in premium full art, bringing the total card count to 253. This collection set encapsulates the comprehensive history of FFTCG to the present.

The deck boasts 41 re-issued cards and is complemented by nine (three sets of three types) all-new promo cards, like [PR-156] Zack and [PR-157] Aerith. Each promo card gracing the collection is adorned with beautiful new artwork, making it an essential addition for both new and existing players.

Within the set, you’ll find two copies of 12 types of legendary cards, including [12-119L] Y’shtola and [16-088L] Black Waltz 3. Each type is available in both a standard version and a full-art variant. This set is a perfect choice for players looking to initiate their card collection from past sets or those who missed a specific set. Secure yours now!

Happy gaming!

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