Fan favorites Princia and Valentina return in this cluster!
Rejoice Force of Will fans as we enter prerelease this weekend! Alice Origins II will be available at your local game store!
Alice Origin II – Booster Box
Alice Origin II – Booster Pack
And here are some of the top cards you can get from this set!
Feeling ready to build a Machina deck!
Also note, the box topper from the booster box!
Machina – A02 Buy a Box – JR
Trying to get new players into the game? Make sure you introduce them to Alice Origin II’s Starter Decks!
Alice Origin II – Pricia Starter Deck
Alice Origin II – Valentina Starter Deck
Each deck will have a different Ruler card!
Pricia – SDAO2-028 – RR
Valentina – SDA02-031 – RR
For each starter deck, here are some of the great cards you can get from them!
What’s more, there is another Ghost in the Shell promo in each starter deck!
Kusanagi Motoko & Section 9 – SOUVERNIR039 – PR
Make sure to ask your local game store for the latest Force of Will Products!
If you have done so already, check out our blog post regarding Alice Origin I !
What’s more! The legendary battles continue as Alice Origin III has also been announced!
Happy gaming all!