A riveting release in Zendikar Rising is on the rise!

Banners promoting Zendikar Rising are here now!

Wow! Products are raining down from Wizards faster than I’ve ever seen! And this next “Return to …” set is poised to launch us into yet more newness! Behold, the age of the Set Booster is upon us! The concept of the Set Booster is to cater to those players who simply enjoy cracking packs for simple joy of thumbing through to those few rectangles of value they’ve been daydreaming.

Wait, isn’t that what Collector’s Boosters were supposed to be doing? Well, yes, but this time it won’t set fire to your savings. So, if you do enjoy that extra bit of special when opening packs, and don’t want to feel the sting in your bank statement when your rares bomb hard, then jump into Zendikar Rising with Set Boosters!

Several IAB standard dimension banners showing off the Zendikar Rising key art and products is available to help you promote this exciting new release!

You can download banners over on the banners download page.

Forgot how to use banners on your site? Click here for the help center article.

The Zendkar Rising theme page is ready for your webstore!

Hey! We’re almost back to Zendikar and this time Jace is here to usher us through the Blind Eternities and at the front door of the now Eldrazi-Free-Zone that is Zendikar 2.0. With so many products existing for set releases , why not enable your TCG Promotion Controller on the admin panel today and showcase the Zendikar Rising preorders with the excitement they deserve? 

TCG Promotion Controller code:

Use the code above to quickly re-style your store site’s promotional setup banners and linked preorders landing page for Zendikar Rising today!

Need a refresher on how to make this work? Click here for the help center article.

Zendikar Rising theme

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