Flesh and Blood, developed by Legend Story Studios, is a classic trading card game (TCG) centered around powerful heroes equipped with mighty weapons and gear, battling it out in the arena with a wide array of skills and abilities. These heroes belong to various classes, including Warrior, Wizard, Brute, Guardian, Assassin, Illusionist, Ninja, Ranger, Mechanologist, and Runeblade, among others. Some heroes possess unique talents that set them apart from others in their class. Unlike other TCGs, where players start at their weakest, Flesh and Blood begins with heroes at their peak, equipped with their most powerful attacks.
Part the Mistveil is the game’s 13th expansion, transporting players to the beautiful world of Misteria — a hidden landscape nestled among mountain ranges and home to villages of people descended from the Great Houses. This community values hard work, molded by the even harder terrain of their land. The expansion introduces a new talent, unlike anything players have seen before. Additionally, it will be the first Flesh and Blood set to launch in Japanese, alongside English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. To celebrate, the World Premiere for Part the Mistveil will be held in Tokyo, Japan, from May 17-19.
Part the Mistveil is scheduled for release now May 31!
Happy gaming!!!